Thursday, April 19, 2012

Apple: Entry 1

The company’s name, Apple, comes from an apple farm in Oregon that Jobs visited. The world never would have guessed that two boys building a homemade computer in a garage would be the start of a billion dollar business. Wozniak was apparently the brains and Jobs was the back bone. Jobs encouraged Wozniak to finish his projects and found parts needed for the job at rock-bottom prices. Jobs knew he wanted to build a business and was somewhat desperate. He didn’t have money and he needed it. “By building affordable, personal computers and putting one on every desk, in every hand, I’m giving people power. They don’t have to go through the high priests of mainframe-they can access information themselves. They can steal fire from the mountain. And this is going to inspire far more change than any nonprofit,” said Steve. His attitude was right and Apple took off. By the time he was 24, he was worth $10 million and a year later, he was worth even more: more than $100 million. According to friends, Jobs changed as Apple advanced. He apparently started treating people around him badly and his temper grew shorter. He had Brennan in his life and the two were living together. Just as Apple began to become a huge success, Brennan became pregnant and Steve pushed her completely out of his life. He didn’t even provide her with any financial help. He was offended when Brennan mentioned giving the baby up for adoption or having an abortion and he pressured her friends to talk to her and persuade her not to.
Sources: The Steve Jobs Nobody Know, by Jeff Goodell, Steve Jobs: by Walter Isaacson

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